The IP Exercise Sheets contain questions that assess your knowledge of the essential topics covered in Interactive Physiology.
Click on the links below to see the worksheets associated with each topic:
Muscular System
Nervous System I
Nervous System II
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Urinary System
Fluids & Electrolytes
Endocrine System
Digestive System
Immune System
Muscular System Exercise Sheets
- Anatomy Review: Skeletal Muscle Tissue: PDF | DOC
- The Neuromuscular Junction: PDF | DOC
- Sliding Filament Theory: PDF | DOC
- Muscle Metabolism: PDF | DOC
- Contraction of Motor Units: PDF | DOC
- Contraction of Whole Muscle: PDF | DOC
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Nervous System I Exercise Sheets
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Nervous System II Exercise Sheets
- Anatomy Review: PDF | DOC
- Ion Channels: PDF | DOC
- Synaptic Transmission: PDF | DOC
- Synaptic Potentials and Cellular Integration: PDF | DOC
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Cardiovascular System Exercise Sheets
- Intrinsic Conduction System: PDF | DOC
- Cardiac Action Potential: PDF | DOC
- Cardiac Cycle: PDF | DOC
- Cardiac Output: PDF | DOC
- Anatomy Review: Blood Vessel Structure and Function: PDF | DOC
- Measuring Blood Pressure: PDF | DOC
- Factors That Affect Blood Pressure: PDF | DOC
- Blood Pressure Regulation: PDF | DOC
- Autoregulation and Capillary Dynamics: PDF | DOC
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Respiratory System Exercise Sheets
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Urinary System Exercise Sheets
- Anatomy Review: PDF | DOC
- Glomerular Filtration: PDF | DOC
- Early Filtrate Processing: PDF | DOC
- Late Filtrate Processing: PDF | DOC
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Fluids & Electrolytes Exercise Sheets
- Introduction to Body Fluids: PDF | DOC
- Water Homeostasis: PDF | DOC
- Electrolyte Homeostasis: PDF | DOC
- Acid/Base Homeostasis: PDF | DOC
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Endocrine System Exercise Sheets
- Endocrine System Review: PDF | DOC
- Biochemistry, Secretion, and Transport of Hormones: PDF | DOC
- The Actions of Hormones on Target Cells: PDF | DOC
- The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis: PDF | DOC
- Response to Stress: PDF | DOC
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Digestive System Exercise Sheets
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Immune System Exercise Sheets
- Immune System Overview: PDF | DOC
- Anatomy Review: PDF | DOC
- Innate Host Defenses: PDF | DOC
- Common Characteristics of B and T Lymphocytes: PDF | DOC
- Humoral Immunity: PDF | DOC
- Cellular Immunity: PDF | DOC
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