
Since 1995, students have been using the award-winning Interactive Physiology to help them succeed in A&P.

Interactive Physiology will give you the help you need to grasp some of the most difficult concepts in A&P. This award-winning tutorial system features ten modules containing in-depth, fully-narrated, animated tutorials and engaging quizzes covering key physiological processes and concepts. Interactive Physiology is a highly effective program that provides the tools you need to advance beyond simple memorization to a genuine understanding of the most difficult concepts in A&P.

Interactive Physiology covers ten major topic areas:

Muscular System (Author: Marvin J. Branstrom)
Anatomy Review: Skeletal Muscle Tissue
The Neuromuscular Junction
Sliding Filament Theory
Muscle Metabolism
Contraction of Motor Units
Contraction of Whole Muscle

Nervous System I - The Neuron: The Action Potential (Author: Susan J. Mitchell)
Anatomy Review
Ion Channels
The Membrane Potential
The Action Potential

Nervous System II - Synaptic Potentials and Neurotransmitters (Author: Susan J. Mitchell)
Anatomy Review
Ion Channels
Synaptic Transmission
Synaptic Potentials and Cellular Integration

Cardiovascular System (Authors: Elaine N. Marieb, Marvin J. Branstrom)
Anatomy Review: The Heart
Intrinsic Conduction System
Cardiac Action Potential
Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Output
Anatomy Review: Blood Vessel Structure and Function
Measuring Blood Pressure
Factors That Affect Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Regulation
Autoregulation and Capillary Dynamics

Respiratory System (Author: Andrea K. Salmi)
Anatomy Review: Respiratory Structures
Pulmonary Ventilation
Gas Exchange
Gas Transport
Control of Respiration

Urinary System (Author: Marvin J. Branstrom)
Anatomy Review
Glomerular Filtration
Early Filtrate Processing
Late Filtrate Processing

Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid/Base Balance (Authors: Martha DePecol Sanner, Christine Hooper)
Introduction to Body Fluids
Water Homeostasis
Electrolyte Homeostasis
Acid/Base Homeostasis

Endocrine System (Author: Susan J. Mitchell)
Endocrine System Review
Biochemistry, Secretion, and Transport of Hormones
The Actions of Hormones on Target Cells
The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis
Response to Stress

Digestive System (Author: Susan J. Mitchell)
Anatomy Review
Control of the Digestive System
Digestion and Absorption

Immune System (Authors: Katja Hoehn, Lawrence W. Haynes, B.A. Buxton)
Immune System Overview
Anatomy Review
Innate Host Defenses
Common Characteristics of B and T Lymphocytes
Humoral Immunity
Cellular Immunity