Useful phrases 醫療服務人員實用會話 |
Are you a first-time patient? | 你是初診病患嗎? |
Please fill out this registration form. | 請填寫這張掛號表格 |
Can I have your NHI card? | 我需要你的健保卡 |
Are you allergic to any medicines? What are they? |
請問您對藥物會過敏嗎? 請問是那一些藥? |
What are your symptoms? | 請問您有何症狀? |
How long have you been coughing? | 你咳嗽有多久了? |
Please wait for your number to be called. | 請等一下 我們會叫你的名字 |
I need to take your temperature. | 我需要量一下你的體溫 |
I need to take your blood pressure. | 我需要量一下你的血壓 |
We might need to give you a shot. | 我們可能需要幫妳打針 |
Please go to the registry to pay your bill and receive your medicines in the pharmacy. | 請先到掛號室繳費再到藥局領藥 |
Take this medicine, three times a day after meals. | 三餐飯後服藥 |
Drink lots of water and rest. | 多喝水多休息 |
I hope you’ll feel better soon. | 祝你早日康復 |