Respiratory System
> Pulmonary Ventilation
Introduction: Pulmonary Ventilation (Page 1 of 20)
Goals (Page 2 of 20)
Boyle's Law: Relationship Between Pressure and Volume (Page 3 of 20)
Quiet Inspiration: Muscle Contraction (Page 4 of 20)
Quiet Expiration: Muscle Relaxation (Page 5 of 20)
Muscles of Deep Inspiration and Expiration (Page 6 of 20)
Intrapulmonary Pressure Changes (Page 7 of 20)
Intrapleural Pressure (Page 8 of 20)
Intrapleural Pressure Changes (Page 9 of 20)
Effect of Pneumothorax (Page 10 of 20)
Events During Inspiration (Page 11 of 20)
Events During Expiration (Page 12 of 20)
Events During Inspiration and Expiration (Page 13 of 20)
Other Factors Affecting Ventilation (Page 14 of 20)
Resistance Within the Airways (Page 15 of 20)
Factors Affecting Airway Resistance (Page 16 of 20)
Lung Compliance: Elastic Fibers (Page 17 of 20)
Lung Compliance: Surface Tension (Page 18 of 20)
Summary (Page 19 of 20)
Textbook References (Page 20 of 20)