Respiratory System
> Gas Transport
Introduction: Gas Transport (Page 1 of 19)
Goals (Page 2 of 19)
O2 Transport (Page 3 of 19)
Hemoglobin (Page 4 of 19)
Oxyhemoglobin and Deoxyhemoglobin (Page 5 of 19)
Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve (Page 6 of 19)
Hemoglobin Saturation at High PO2's (Page 7 of 19)
Hemoglobin Saturation at Low PO2's (Page 8 of 19)
Factors Altering Hemoglobin Saturation (Page 9 of 19)
Predict the Effect of Decreased Temperature (Page 10 of 19)
CO2 Transport (Page 11 of 19)
CO2 Transport: Carbaminohemoglobin [Tissues] (Page 12 of 19)
CO2 Transport: Carbaminohemoglobin [Lungs] (Page 13 of 19)
CO2 Transport: Bicarbonate Ions [Tissues] (Page 14 of 19)
CO2 Transport: Bicarbonate Ions [Lungs] (Page 15 of 19)
Summary: Lungs (Page 16 of 19)
Summary: Tissues (Page 17 of 19)
Summary (Page 18 of 19)
Textbook References (Page 19 of 19)